Sunday 3 February 2013

Naked Neighbours.

Hey guys, first of all, you have no idea how close I was to forgetting about this, second, I write these posts as if I am talking to you (my audience) in real life without interruption, hence why sometimes I go of on tangents and what not.

And, for the title and topic of this post, naked neighbours, google chrome keeps telling me that's spelled wrong, anyone know how to change the language? I have a neighbour, who for the purposes of this is named Mr. Across-The-Road, and, well, he likes to walk around the house, and the road and the front garden naked, it's not nice, if he had a 6-pack, like me, it wouldn't be as bad, but his flab rolls all over the place, and if it can get worse, if he's not naked, he's wearing Lycra, Lycra pants as well, so he may as well be naked. Also, he isn't a fan of curtains, or blinds, or towels when he get's out of the shower! I have been mentally scarred by this guy, seriously. But in all seriousness, it would be understandable if he lived alone, nope... He has a wife, an eleven year old son and a 2-4 year old daughter, they are gonna grow up with fears of penis' and chest hair, and flab, and the rest... So, to share my pain, I want you to share with me the tales of terrible neighbours that you may have, post them in the comments and the funniest and/or grossest may get a shout-out!

In personal news, I have an ingrowing toenail. Hell yes! It is the most Godamn painful experience since I broke my arm when I was seven, and I messed up that arm so badly I was in a cast for 9 weeks (ish). But, yeah, that's it in my news, Savlon(Antiseptic cream) and soaking toes for the next couple of weeks and taking it easy in lacrosse, not going well since I played hardcore on Saturday and some fat-ass sat on my foot, and not doing PE.

Bye guys and as usual, follow this if you liked and if you want more regular updates, follow me on Twitter @Mitchell_Tobin. But seriously, follow this blog, it's a little box just above my current followers, Follow By Email, just type in your email, nothing will go wrong or happen, apart from my face lighting up with glee when you do so.


P.S. Quick update on my Am I... Jealous post, nothing is going on between my crush and the guy, they're just friends, or so she tells me...

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