Sunday 10 February 2013

Harry Potter Land... Yay!!!

I'm going to Harry Potter Land in London tomorrow! I don't like Harry Potter... Well, actually that's not true, I liked the books, until #5. Then they just started dragging. The films were the same, good until the 5th one. It's a good idea to be honest, just the books weren't written very well, they don't catch and hold your attention very well. The films are the same.

Any way, I have awesome friends, my birthday is coming up and my friends have taken the liberty of organizing a party for me on the Saturday after my birthday! They are awesome, no one has ever done this for me before!

So yeah, my friends are awesome! Joe and John, I love you, no homo!

In other news, I have now confirmed my sister is strange(r than I thought), I went downstairs form my room the other day and found her in the hall with her shoes and coat on almost in tears, bearing in mind we are home alone, so, being a loving brother I ask what's wrong, "My texts aren't sending to Becky!" Becky is her 'soul mate' apparently, I new this was a troubling time for her but new this wasn't the cause of her tears, turns out she was about to embark on her first driving lesson and was really nervous, she actually forced me to stay with her and look out of the dining room window whenever a car drove past! Eventually, the instructor turned up about ten mins late and she left and I went upstairs to continue with Skyrim... (I'm listening to the soundtrack now, it's awesome).

Seriously, I hope some people start asking me to write about things, this is getting harder and harder... shit, is that lightning? Shit, shitshitshitshit! I'm scared, some one hold me?!

God, I hate having the only printer in the house in my room, I am currently talking to you from my bed, I have to move my laptop so people can print... Stupid family! Printing important documents and stuff... Urgh!

Oh, actually, I do have something to talk about, something I think you need to know but I've been putting off for a while. I'm a 9gagger guys, I like to visit 9gag, and call me 9fag all you want, but I am proud to say that. I enjoy the layout of the page and find it quite funny. So, yeah.

Bye guys, as usual if you like this post follow me, tell your friends about me, share the link about and if you want more regular updates follow me on twitter @mitchell_tobin


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