Sunday 17 February 2013

It's the circle of life!

Hi guys, this week a lot has gone down. On Monday I spent the day driving down to London, well Watford actually, to spend all of Tuesday at The Making Of Harry Potter, which I know I was complaining about for a while last week, which was pretty damn good! It was interesting and quite a good day out, although the Butterbeer was cold, it was basically Cream Soda. Big let down. But you could see all of the props, most of the sets and loads of behind the scenes action. They also had a lot of unique merchandise, including Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Bean, which I would recommend only to my worst enemies, they are mainly horrible flavours, however, there is a bacon flavoured one, but it has a bad aftertaste!

Yesterday, Saturday 16th, I went to the Palace Theater to see The Lion King, which was amazing! It was funny and very close to the original Disney film. The only downside was we were sat behind a couple who kept whispering to each other and texting, it ruined the most part of the performance.

Urgh... School tomorrow, after a week off. A week of doing nothing, literally, nothing. This is gonna be so hard, I'm gonna be so tired. Oh well, I get to give in my Lakeside (more about this later) letter and possibly find out if I got on a very special trip to got to a university for three days and two nights, in uni halls, do to chemistry in a lab. Which will give me a great experience as when I am older I would like to be a chemistry teacher, woo!

I have nothing else to discuss, so bye!

As always, if you like this, follow my blog, in the corner over there --> ^ and if you want more regular updates, follow me on Twitter @mitchell_Tobin.

Bye, have a nice week!

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