Sunday 24 February 2013


Sorry, the 'image' of my conversation doesn't work, the text showing what was said is blank, I'll try and get it up next week. There doesn't seem to be anyway around this, any suggestions? The comments are below.

Role playing???

Hi guys, this week, I'm gonna talk about a website called Omegle, it's basically a site where you just talk to random strangers, literally, you don't need an account or anything, just put in a few interest(which is optional) and you connect to a random stranger with the same interests, some times you find decent people who are on it to make new friends and have a decent conversation, but not always, I sometimes find okay people, and still keep in touch with some of them, but sometimes(more often than not) you'll get a random slutty whore who just wants you to watch her "take her clothes off and rub her clit for you!" it's rather disturbing.

Anyway, there is also a 'Question(Spy)mode option. This is basically where you can ask a question and two people see the question and discuss it, the person asking can see the conversation, but not get involved. Now, some people ask good questions, most just ask for your KIK/Skype ID. But, some people give you a scenario and ask you to role play it... These are highly amusing. I am now going to share with you a scenario and role play that me and a random stranger got given, and role played. (Squesmish and prude people may want to skip this next part...) The internet has changed me, I am now a disgusting prick.

Question: The first person to say something is Harry Potter, the other is Draco Malfoy. You are trapped in the Chamber of Secrets, role-play this.

You: Hey, Draco.
Stranger: We meet again - Potter
You: My wand is bigger than yours.
Stranger: Let me just heat mine up
Stranger: It's sensitive to friction
You: And then we shall duel.
You: To the death, and oh, friction, let me help you with that.
Stranger: No, it's levisuhhhhhh
Stranger: Wingardium Levisaaaaaaaah
Stranger: let me slither in your ass
You: Hey look, a snake.
You: That's pretty cool.
Stranger: So it's just us two huh
You: Crap, I thought it was small, it was just far away.
Stranger: Yeah well, I get that alot
You: Ah, it's getting closer, hold me Draco.
Stranger: Ohh, Harry.
You: Oh look, water, wanna go skinny dipping?
Stranger: I think, that would be most pleasant.
Stranger: Are you taking your G-string off, or swimming with it?
You: Wait, do you mind, I might mess your hair up.
Stranger: No worries
You: Off. I like to be free.
Stranger: I find it most comfortable
You: You?
Stranger: I might just keep it on
You: Let's get going then.
Stranger: *splash*
You: Oh, this is very shallow.
Stranger: Just like your mother's vagina
You: I can still see the end of your knob.
You: My mother's dead.
Stranger: Both?
Stranger: Please do cover up your tip, it's most disturbing
You: And your mother's vagina was shallow, then I put her in a wheel chair
Stranger: I can't take this shit anymore
Stranger: I'm going to sleep
You: Well, are we going to duel or not. *Raises 'wand'* look, no hands!
Stranger: ..
Stranger: How come it's only white thunder D:
Stranger: That is unpleasant
You: What, this term wasn't in my cupboard's dictionary.
Stranger: I think it's time we escaped this dreadful captivity
You: Urgh, fine, but one question first, if you woke up, and your ass was hurting, would you tell the prefects?
Stranger: You know I wouldn't.
Stranger: I take Ruphylin on a regular basis anyway
Stranger: It's bound to happen sooner or later.
You: Ok, let's go,
You: Are you getting dressed, or are we going to double team Hermione when we get out?
Stranger: I think we should streak naked accross the corridors just for the hell of it.
You: Indeed, I like your style Draco.
Stranger: And infiltrate Hermoine's room for surprise double penetration.
You: I'll take the ass, you take the pussy, let's put her in a wheel chair.
Stranger: Sounds good.
You: Let's go. You first.
Stranger: I'll stick my wand right up your ass like a Dumbledore buttfucking a dragon.
You: And I will enjoy every moment.
Stranger: :')
Stranger: i'm out man

Well guys, that's it, oh wait, guess what guys, it's my b-day on Wednesday, Birthday-Beats huzzah! I'm gonna be in so much pain...

Bye, have a nice week, and as always, if you want more regular updates, follow me on Twitter @Mitchell_Tobin

Sorry, my blogging had to take a quick 5-minute break while I ate cake.

It was my sort-of birthday cake, it had the Batsignal on it. It tasted good, apart from the candle wax. 

Anyway, bye!!

Sunday 17 February 2013

It's the circle of life!

Hi guys, this week a lot has gone down. On Monday I spent the day driving down to London, well Watford actually, to spend all of Tuesday at The Making Of Harry Potter, which I know I was complaining about for a while last week, which was pretty damn good! It was interesting and quite a good day out, although the Butterbeer was cold, it was basically Cream Soda. Big let down. But you could see all of the props, most of the sets and loads of behind the scenes action. They also had a lot of unique merchandise, including Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Bean, which I would recommend only to my worst enemies, they are mainly horrible flavours, however, there is a bacon flavoured one, but it has a bad aftertaste!

Yesterday, Saturday 16th, I went to the Palace Theater to see The Lion King, which was amazing! It was funny and very close to the original Disney film. The only downside was we were sat behind a couple who kept whispering to each other and texting, it ruined the most part of the performance.

Urgh... School tomorrow, after a week off. A week of doing nothing, literally, nothing. This is gonna be so hard, I'm gonna be so tired. Oh well, I get to give in my Lakeside (more about this later) letter and possibly find out if I got on a very special trip to got to a university for three days and two nights, in uni halls, do to chemistry in a lab. Which will give me a great experience as when I am older I would like to be a chemistry teacher, woo!

I have nothing else to discuss, so bye!

As always, if you like this, follow my blog, in the corner over there --> ^ and if you want more regular updates, follow me on Twitter @mitchell_Tobin.

Bye, have a nice week!

Sunday 10 February 2013

Harry Potter Land... Yay!!!

I'm going to Harry Potter Land in London tomorrow! I don't like Harry Potter... Well, actually that's not true, I liked the books, until #5. Then they just started dragging. The films were the same, good until the 5th one. It's a good idea to be honest, just the books weren't written very well, they don't catch and hold your attention very well. The films are the same.

Any way, I have awesome friends, my birthday is coming up and my friends have taken the liberty of organizing a party for me on the Saturday after my birthday! They are awesome, no one has ever done this for me before!

So yeah, my friends are awesome! Joe and John, I love you, no homo!

In other news, I have now confirmed my sister is strange(r than I thought), I went downstairs form my room the other day and found her in the hall with her shoes and coat on almost in tears, bearing in mind we are home alone, so, being a loving brother I ask what's wrong, "My texts aren't sending to Becky!" Becky is her 'soul mate' apparently, I new this was a troubling time for her but new this wasn't the cause of her tears, turns out she was about to embark on her first driving lesson and was really nervous, she actually forced me to stay with her and look out of the dining room window whenever a car drove past! Eventually, the instructor turned up about ten mins late and she left and I went upstairs to continue with Skyrim... (I'm listening to the soundtrack now, it's awesome).

Seriously, I hope some people start asking me to write about things, this is getting harder and harder... shit, is that lightning? Shit, shitshitshitshit! I'm scared, some one hold me?!

God, I hate having the only printer in the house in my room, I am currently talking to you from my bed, I have to move my laptop so people can print... Stupid family! Printing important documents and stuff... Urgh!

Oh, actually, I do have something to talk about, something I think you need to know but I've been putting off for a while. I'm a 9gagger guys, I like to visit 9gag, and call me 9fag all you want, but I am proud to say that. I enjoy the layout of the page and find it quite funny. So, yeah.

Bye guys, as usual if you like this post follow me, tell your friends about me, share the link about and if you want more regular updates follow me on twitter @mitchell_tobin


Sunday 3 February 2013

Naked Neighbours.

Hey guys, first of all, you have no idea how close I was to forgetting about this, second, I write these posts as if I am talking to you (my audience) in real life without interruption, hence why sometimes I go of on tangents and what not.

And, for the title and topic of this post, naked neighbours, google chrome keeps telling me that's spelled wrong, anyone know how to change the language? I have a neighbour, who for the purposes of this is named Mr. Across-The-Road, and, well, he likes to walk around the house, and the road and the front garden naked, it's not nice, if he had a 6-pack, like me, it wouldn't be as bad, but his flab rolls all over the place, and if it can get worse, if he's not naked, he's wearing Lycra, Lycra pants as well, so he may as well be naked. Also, he isn't a fan of curtains, or blinds, or towels when he get's out of the shower! I have been mentally scarred by this guy, seriously. But in all seriousness, it would be understandable if he lived alone, nope... He has a wife, an eleven year old son and a 2-4 year old daughter, they are gonna grow up with fears of penis' and chest hair, and flab, and the rest... So, to share my pain, I want you to share with me the tales of terrible neighbours that you may have, post them in the comments and the funniest and/or grossest may get a shout-out!

In personal news, I have an ingrowing toenail. Hell yes! It is the most Godamn painful experience since I broke my arm when I was seven, and I messed up that arm so badly I was in a cast for 9 weeks (ish). But, yeah, that's it in my news, Savlon(Antiseptic cream) and soaking toes for the next couple of weeks and taking it easy in lacrosse, not going well since I played hardcore on Saturday and some fat-ass sat on my foot, and not doing PE.

Bye guys and as usual, follow this if you liked and if you want more regular updates, follow me on Twitter @Mitchell_Tobin. But seriously, follow this blog, it's a little box just above my current followers, Follow By Email, just type in your email, nothing will go wrong or happen, apart from my face lighting up with glee when you do so.


P.S. Quick update on my Am I... Jealous post, nothing is going on between my crush and the guy, they're just friends, or so she tells me...