Monday 21 January 2013

Year 9 Pt. 2.

Hi guys, first off I just want to apologise for the lateness of this post, it's just that last night, when I was meant to post, I got caught up watching Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King, great film if you haven't watched it do, if you haven't watched the other two (The Fellowship Of The Ring and The Two Towers) don't, you won't get the story.

Secondly, the main point of this post, and the meaning of the rather cryptic title, my Year 10 is turning into Year 9 Part 2. In case you were wondering my Year 9 was shit. It was full of rumours bullying and general teasing ( a childish word, but one most will understand and, sadly, witnessed/been a victim of). And here I was thinking that people may have finally matured enough to see that I am a decent person who doesn't deserve any of this, but no, rumours are still circulating general bullying is being practiced and, since it has been snowing a lot, snow ball violence is also rather common. So yeah, people say I'm smart even though I thought people would mature. It's absolutely pathetic, why can't people just fucking understand that I am a good person, I don't deserve this, what have I done? Seriously, what? Oh well,  a day in the life of an average nerd. I'm used to it. *Rant over*.

In other news, like I say, I'm a nerd and I just want to cover one little thing, Nerds and Geeks, are different things! Nerds are smart, generally extroverts, massive gamers and nice non-narcissistic people. Geeks are stupid (Though they think they are Gods gift to knowledge) in to programming and unsocial gits. Geeks meet all of their *Cough cough* ' friends over the Internet, Xbox Live, Facebook Twitter etc. However Nerds have a decent social life and a good sized friendship groups. And as always, there are exceptions to the rule, you can have stupid Nerds and nice Geeks. The rule of attractiveness applies to neither, it is not unknown to get attractive Nerds.

Bye guys, if you like what you read, follow me on this and on Twitter! @Mitchell_Tobin. I'll try to be on time next week, and again, if you want a topic discussing, just leave a comment, bye!

1 comment:

  1. I would disagree. Firstly, your generalise massively. Secondly I think you misunderstand 'geeks'. Being a geek is more associated with fandoms than arrogance, stupidity and unpopularity. Nerds seem to be more those who are, yes, often smart, but generally are just interested in knowledge and how things work. Neither is really associated with personality traits, although both are likely to be better people than the more popular crowd, and also more introverted. You can be both a nerd and a geek. Programmers can be either or none. But I might be completely wrong here.
