Sunday 13 January 2013

Hey Internet! My name's...

Hello to the people of the Internet(should that be a capital?) my name's Mitchell, and this is my blog! Well, I'm expecting someone to say it, so I may as well, "No shit Sherlock!". Urm, I don't really know what I'm doing here, but I thought if you're gonna be following me on my blog then you should know some things about me. Coming up next is a section on just things about me, next is one of 10 questions a random person has asked me.

My name is Mitchell, I live in England, but I don't have the stereotypical accent, which is sad, feel free to read this blog in that sort of accent though, it is very amusing. I'm 14 years old and am soon to be 15. I live with my Mum (Mom to you Americans) and Dad with 1 sister. I'm known to have the weirdest music taste of anyone, ever, it kind of goes from Adele (Stop laughing) To Skrillex, The Script to Linkin Park and so on and so forth. I've never had a girlfriend, though many times I have tried, I'm just too nice, I get Friendzoned a lot. I'm stuck there on the map of relationships, which I may one day share with you. Also, I'm not an Introvert or an Extrovert, I share qualities of both like I find it easy to talk to people and make friends but I don't like being with big crowds of people and much prefer my own company. As you probably can't guess I am a nerd. Not a Geek, there is a difference, but that is for a different post!

Now for a section of 20 Q's that a randomer on my Facebook friends list has asked me. Bearing in mind that I don't really know her that well or her me.

Q1) Is this really Mitchell, or an Alien?
Mitchell. I am not an alien, or is that just what an alien would say to get you off his back?

Q2) Batman or Spiderman?
On films, Batman, the latest Dark Knight Trilogy kicks ass! On general hero-ness, Batman, do you wanna know why? "He's Batman".

Q3) Favourite music?
Overall? Skrillex, Linkin park or Foster The People. It's hard to decide. On one song? Psy with Gangnam Style has got to win, Or Blink 182 with Miss You.

Q4)Favourite colour/color?
Black. Sorry, not a goth but true.

Q4)Favourite Sport?
Gotta be Lacrosse. No doubt in my mind. No offence to any Football/Soccer players but it was never gonna happen, my Dad hate's me for it but I hate Football/Soccer.

Q5)Favourite Food?
A good meat pie wins this round, that or Steak cooked medium-rare.

Q6) What's the most amount of comments you've ever had on a Facebook post?
29 and counting, my profile picture if you were wondering what it was!

Q7) FPS or RPG (Games)?
I used to be RPG but then I took an arrow in the knee. No, I love both, I am an avid fan of the Halo and Elder Scrolls franchises.

Q8)Who's your best friend?
Sarmad Jonno and Jack, they mean nothing to anyone but me. I won't go into depth but they are all great guys and I am one of the few people who's had the pleasure of meeting them.

Q9)Are you scare of me because I am loud?
Urm, no. You scare me for different reasons...

Q10) Can you type with your nose? Prove it!!
yes i csn ttpe witj my nose... can you?

Bye guys, follow me on Twitter @Mitchell_Tobin and until next time: Goodbye farewell and till next we meet a gentle good morrow!
I think that's Shakespeare but I'm not sure.

P.S. I'm gonna try to do this every week/fortnight, if anyone has any subjects they want discussing then I will be more than happy to oblige and discuss them!!

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