Sunday 10 March 2013

Pathogens and stuffs.

Hi guys, first off, a little thank you, this blog has only been going for about nine weeks now and already it has accumulated around 282 page-views, that's all down to you guys, yeah, I've told a few people about it, but mostly it's just other people spreading the word. But, I'm also a little upset, as 282 page-views aren't likely to come from a different person every time, it's more likely to be a few people(by my calculators reckoning between 28.2 and 31.3 of you depending how many posts you count) repeatedly coming here and checking this out, now, that's great and all, but I've only got three followers, now, I'm not sure if you can see it, but there is a little icon, somewhere to the right of the page that says "Follow By Email" or something to that effect, so, why aren't you following?

Anyways, I'm ill, well, was, I still am, but I'm pretty much better to be honest. This weekend hasn't been the best for me, first of all, I was really ill, which is unusual for me, my immune system is quite good normally. But yeah, a day of coughing, sneezing, feeling dead, barely eating, and sitting on the sofa watching Comedy Central with a blanket on, could it get any better? Well, in some respects yes, but most, no, you may remember last week we played the Quarter final for the Plate in lacrosse? Well, that got cancelled because Rochdale "Ground was flooded, it was dangerous to play..." In other words, they couldn't get a team and they didn't want to forfeit. Anyway, as I was dead yesterday, I wasn't going to play, and now it's been postponed until next week, so I can play, yeah!! Huzzah, however you wanna put it!

And, I believe I have just lost a load of friends to immaturity... Apparently calling someone slow is grounds for planning Mitchell Hunting Season, well, talk about overreaction.

Anyway, I'm off, I'm bored and need to enjoy something for once, since I'm in a mood with my friends over hunting season, I'm not talking to them.

Bye, and as always, if you want regular updates follow my Twitter @Mitchell_Tobin

Bye, have a nice week.

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