Sunday 3 March 2013

Legally allowed to watch 15's.

Hi, first news, I'm 15 as of last Wednesday, 27th if you were wondering. And now I'm legally allowed to see 15's at the cinema, which we did yesterday, me and my friends went to see Mama. I went with friends, left without any... Seriously, why the hell did I let them talk me into that? I'm normally so good with peer pressure. But, no I chose that day to not assert my authority, what little I have of it.

In other news, we got into the finals of the Plate play-offs in lacrosse, then the NEMLA (North of England Mens Lacrosse Association) decided to put in more teams so we have to play another round, so, we only actually won the Quarter Finals, when we'd already played and won the Semi's... Now, due to this, they've put in some quite hard teams which we don't stand much of a chance against, and what were the teams like we faced before this new rule you ask, beatable as hell. Well, guess who didn't get out of bed much today? You were wrong, I did actually get out of bed, I'm not lazy. (Well, I am, but that's not the point)

\(This is here because I'm being held at gunpoint) I have a friend, called Joe, he is one of the 'friends' that pushed me to go and see Mama yesterday, he is small, like 4 foot, and is really obsessed with his hair, seriously if you touch it he stresses out.

I have another friend called Amy, she couldn't come to the party, she "Wasn't in the mood". She also is quite small and is obsessed with Toby Turner, Tobuscus, who's birthday it is today. (She's crazy in a good way)

Kate, is the last friend who I will be mentioning today. She thinks I am deeply in love with Joe. She is adamant that she has a penis (We're all worried she may not be joking) and well, that's all there is to say about her really, she's quite nice, sometimes...

Exam time people, that means mocks for us, because they scrapped modular courses, yeah, good going government. Seriously though, why, it's a bad idea, you want less people admitted to hospital with sress-related illnesses, you just tripled that number.

Well, I think that's all, so bye, and as always, follow this blog, and if you want more regular updates, follow me on Twitter, but not real life, @Mitchell_Tobin

Bye, have a nice week, it was nice having you read/listen to this...

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